Type a paragraph (6-8 sentences) about your experience working with your group on this project. Include your opinions on working with iMovie, working in a group setting, and learning about plate tectonics. You can view each groups movie trailer below. You must comment on one other student about thier movie trailer. Enjoy!
Now that you have filled in your own field notes from the animations, write a blog about how the animations helped you understand the different types of boundaries. Did one animation seem to help you more over the others? Type at least 5 sentences to help you answer the questions listed above. When you are done, you will go back and reply to one classmate's blog.
Hello Students!
Now that you have completed task number 1, comment on one thing that you thought was interesting from the information you viewed about plate boundaries. You need to be as specific as possible and type at least 5 sentences describing your interesting fact or something you learned so far. When you are done creating your comment, you will go back at the end of class or later on in the day and respond to one classmate's comment.